The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy Taking Back the GOP in Arizona

Dan Schultz

Arizona conservative activist and lawyer Dan Schultz has been informing people for years about the importance of becoming a precinct committeeman (PC), something many political activists overlook, swept up instead by major political campaigns and national issues. Considered a national expert on the topic, Shultz authored the book “Taking Back Your Government: The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy.” In the book, which got him an award from legendary Republican Party influencer Richard Viguerie, he explains how the best way for patriots to take back their government is to take back control of the Republican Party — through precinct committeemen.

He calls it the Precinct Strategy. Its focus is on influencing the policies of the Republican Party and who gets nominated and wins elections. He said PCs are actually the “elite” of the party, noting that fewer than one in one hundred political party members can be a voting member of the party. He pointed out that “the office of precinct committeeman has been called ‘the most powerful office in the world’ because the PC is the closest structured political officeholder to the registered voter.”

PCs elect district, county, and state party officers, delegates to the presidential convention and RNC members. PCs sent to the presidential convention vote on what policies the party platform will contain in the next two years.

Half of the slots for Republican PCs nationwide are currently open.

“The party is there for the taking,” Schultz said, “We could cause a conservative revolution if we could get conservatives to fill those open slots.”

He said it requires just a few hours a year to save your liberties. He believes it’s the only way to take over the RNC.

To implement the strategy, activists need to reach out to low-information, low-propensity voters.

“Politics is a numbers game, and the most powerful political office holder in that game is the PC,” he said.

Schultz advises using the software rVote to access digital voter profile files.

He cited a quote by President Harry Truman, “One of the fundamental lessons I have learned is this: In politics, the work that is done in the precincts is the work that counts most.” He also cited President Abraham Lincoln, who advised constantly watching and convincing “doubtful voters.”

He explained how the RNC could have done a better job for the Trump campaign. When the Trump Victory campaign, which was run in part by the RNC, came to Arizona, they knocked on high-propensity voter doors, which isn’t effective. Many on the team said they were told they couldn’t recruit PCs, and some of the young ones didn’t even know what one was.

Since then, however, Donald Trump heard about the Precinct Strategy and wrote about it in a recent letter to supporters, “Just heard about an incredible effort underway that will strengthen the Republican Party. If members of our Great movement start getting involved (that means YOU becoming a precinct committeeman for your voting precinct), we can take back our great Country from the ground up.”

Schultz has had some great successes, especially after former Trump advisor Steve Bannon started having him on his WarRoom show regularly to discuss the effort. Last year, so many people in Schultz’s LD 15 district watched WarRoom and became PCs that all of the officers in LD 15, establishment Republicans, sent out a mass email stating they were resigning.

A Georgia man who wasn’t very active in politics heard Schultz on the show and was inspired to become a PC. Daniel Wiley then realized he may as well run against the RINO chair of his county party, defeated him in a landslide, then replaced the RINO board members when they resigned, unwilling to serve under a MAGA chair.

Schultz said similar things are happening to Republican county parties all over the country, including in the two biggest counties in Nevada, Clark County and Washoe County. “If the RINOs are in charge of the committee, and they get inundated with a line out the door, and they realize, uh-oh, the majority rules — MAGA — they take their ball and go home.”

Schutz’s guide to becoming a PC is located here. Schultz also has another book, “How To Get Into The Real Ball Game Of Politics Where You Live To Help President Donald J. Trump Make America Great.”

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Rachel Alexander is a reporter at The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Follow Rachel on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Dan Schultz” by Precinct Strategy and photo “Arizona Capitol” by Gage Skidmore CC BY-SA 2.0.




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